For most of the people, November is the sad month of the year. It’s getting colder and colder, days are getting shorter and shorter but Christmas is still quite far away. But in London you should not be concerned about that. Already at the beginning of the month you can better your mood with some fireworks.
The main firework action is usually the 5th of November. It is going to be a Tuesday this year but the fireworks are also going to be before and after. The bonfires are a traditional anniversary to remember the plot to blow up the house of parliament in 1605.
You can find these fireworks all over London! I will just show you some of the biggest below:
Alexandra Palace Fireworks Festival
Nov 1 2019 – Nov 2 2019
One of the biggest Fireworks will take place at the Alexandra Palace. You can go enjoy the impressive fireworks with the view over the city of London. Alongside the fireworks, the night will also include funfairs, comedy and live music.
Nov 3 2019
If you want to visit a free Bonfire, you should go to the Victoria Park on Sunday. The main show will start at 7pm. The special topic this year will be the fiftieth anniversary of Apollo 11 moon landing. Also at this place there will be storytelling, music and soundscapes.
Nov 2 2019
For £10 a ticket you can visit the bonfire in the Crystal Palace Park. In addition to the bonfire, you can see a performance from Arcadia’s Lord of Lightning. They throw bolts of electric lightning at each other and it’s amazing to watch.